Advance As A Leader Series
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Sustainable health workforce is the hallmark of Health Entrepreneurs. We believe compassionate, motivated, well-trained and well-sustained health professionals and personnel can offer the best Primary Health Care (PHC)
PHC is usually the first point of contact for people seeking health care and has the scope to meet the majority of a person’s health needs over their life cycle. Yet WHO has identified weak PHC as one of the 10 threats to global health. In spite of remarkable progress over last 40 years, people all across the world have unmet health needs due to weak PHC.
Astana Declaration has placed Human Resources for health as the drivers of PHC. Health Entrepreneurs are geared to revitalise the human resources for health
OUR PHILOSOPHY EVERYONE IS IMPACTFUL We lead you to realize and establish your Personal Impact preparing you to change everything you touch
OUR MANTRA “What you do has greater impact than what you say” Stephen Covey
Founder & Principal Consultant
Dr. Zari Gill A Physician, Global Health Professional and Social Entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in 30 countries. I help the leaders who help the world. I am passionate about motivating for change and personal impact and delivering my message on gender equity, enhancing women’s forte, self-awareness, personal growth and improving the impact of health leaders. A drop in the ocean that creates ripples upon ripples inspires me. My stories are about the people I met, communities I served and experiences I gained.
We provide a boutique of services and products for leading-edge skills, thought leadership and futuristic ideas
Coaching and Mentoring for students and young professionals in Global Health and Development; offering 10 diverse modules
Leadership development for health workforce; 5 modules
Strategic advice to Start-Ups for sustainable health workforce for high quality industry standards for PHC
Guidance for New Initiatives and Responsive Program Design for enhanced PHC
Curated content aligned with global trends and emerging issues, which impact the operations and programs of our clients.
Our fundamental commitment lies with the health professionals and personnel, not-for-profit organizations and community based organization, however for further impact we prefer to include their public and private counterparts as well.